
BREAKING NEWS: Palace: Britains Prince William, Catherine expecting a b

USPA News - Britain`s Prince William and his wife Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, are expecting their first child, St James`s Palace announced in a communique on Monday. It said Catherine has been hospitalized after experiencing acute morning sickness.
"Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby," the royal palace said in a brief statement. "The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news." The palace said Catherine, who married William in April 2011, was hospitalized at King Edward VII Hospital in central London on Monday afternoon with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Hyperemesis Gravidarum is a very acute morning sickness, which requires supplementary hydration and nutrients. "As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, Her Royal Highness is expected to stay in hospital for several days and will require a period of rest thereafter," the statement added.
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